My GIS Portfolio

I am a GIS researcher, cartographer, and web specialist with four years of experience. I have worked as a researcher at a university on projects pertaining to prisons, housing markets, technology, and more.

I have also worked as a GIS consultant for different academics and think tanks to conduct research, develop spatial indices, and produce cartographic visualizations for publication around agricultural production, climate change, local social demographics and global economics.

This portfolio seeks to showcase the range of work I have completed over the last four years, but does not contain all of it. If you would like to see more of a particular type of my work please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.


ArcGIS Online Web App

This Web App includes data from Mapping Inequality and Census data I obtained using ipums nhgis historical data. Using the programming language R I cleaned and mutated the data and found cities that had both HOLC and nhgis data and produced the above web app. You can search for different cities to view the HOLC data in conjunction with the historical race data. View the full web app here:

If you would like more examples of ArcGIS Online Web Apps or Maps please reach out.

StoryMaps from Esri

I have produced different StoryMaps over the years, but this one remains published as an example. During my time as a teaching assistant of a GIS class in the Geography and Environmental Science Department, I have led hundreds of students in using StoryMaps by Esri and in producing web maps using Esri products for the first time.

Check out the StoryMap here:

The StoryMap Integrates a Web Map App and a several Web Maps that I have created using ArcGIS Online Services. I have been using ArcGIS Online and the various tools that accompany it for several years and have taken a course titled: Web-based GIS- Web map authoring, GIS services management, and applications creation in which we utilized ArcGIS Content Server, ArcGIS Web Apps, and ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Unfortunately my university has stopped paying for ArcGIS Content Server, so my maps and apps I have created using ArcGIS API for JavaScript are no longer viewable. I am currently working on a coding project to replicate this using fully open source methods.

You can view the code for the above project here and interact with the example HTML page here (note: the layers are no longer available). I created a fully functional HTML page with a web map app including point features I gathered using a script in R and a country-wide dot density map with interactive pop-ups using jQuery and JavaScript charts.

For an example of a simple web app I created using ArcGIS API for JavaScript using smaller layers I was able to host you can click here.

Google Earth Engine Integration on WordPress

I worked with Dr. Erle Ellis at UMBC’s anthroecology lab to bring an interactive Earth Engine App to his WordPress site and managed anthropogenic landscape ecology content across the site, oftentimes using custom HTML and CSS to achieve certain goals.

Check out the integrated app here:

And the full website here:

Leaflet and GitHub

I have experience also using open-source methods including using QGIS leaflet, and GitHub to host interactive web maps.

Mapping Tweets

In March 2020 I was able to download hundreds of thousands of tweets containing the words COVID19 or COVID-19 using the rtweet package. I mapped them and created this gif of the tweets through time. This was my first exploration using the rtweet package and was a really fun lockdown project.

Static Maps

Click to enlarge the maps below.

These maps were completed for Dr. Ashanté Reese at the University of Austin, Texas using USDA and FAOSTAT data.

Agricultural Sugar Production Maps

Prisons in Texas

For this map, I gathered data on Texas state prisons using a script I wrote to geocode the addresses and plot the points of the prisons along with the acreage at the facility. This map was completed for Dr. Ashanté Reese at the University of Austin, Texas.

Climate and Economic Inequity

I produced 6 cartographic visualizations, conducted analysis, and created two spatial indices for the climate and community project for their published report. View the published report and the visualizations here:

Main Land Use Types in Maryland

I made this map with the land use data on the Maryland Department of Planning website. I was inspired by this tweet and thought it would also be a neat way to visualize land use data. I generated a square grid and then calculated the area of each general category of land use classification inside each square and symbolized the amount of area using graduated symbols.

Railways Routes and Stations in Germany

This map shows all the railway stations and routes in Germany. This data was retrieved through the OSMdata package in R.

Germany and Montana Density Comparison

These maps visualize the differences between Germany and Montana, which have similar areas but different population densities. Both use the Kontur population dataset.

Spatial Analysis

Examples of spatial analyses I have conducted of social and economic data at different geographic levels: